From TG & Y
Out behind the Safeway
Just before the flood
Huffed some cans of spray paint
And begin to vomit blood
One more night in this town's
Gonna break me I just know
Hang on to your dreams 'til someone makes you let them go
Stumbled on down Indian Hill*
Tail between my legs
Sick taste in my mouth
Folgers Crystals and hard boiled eggs
If I can't run away tonight
I don't know what I'll do
Hang on to your dreams 'til someone beats them out of you
Do what you have to do
Go where you have to go
When the time comes to loosen up your grip, you'll know
Called my friend in New York
Three thousand miles away
Halfway through her metamorphosis**
Nothing I could say
Hoard my small resentments
Like rare and priceless gems
Hang on to your dreams until there's nothing left of them
- I'm actually gonna play a song called From TG & Y, which was a little store that I didn't shop at, but I did shop at the newsstand nearby. You could push magazines under the door. It was awesome. (2009-12-01 Webster Hall)
- [JD plays a riff from a nonexistent song] That song doesn't exist, very gnarly sunset tree outtake that didn't make the album. That's all I remember about it. No, I remember a couplet from it, it's about a time when - well, this is one of those Sunset Tree stories we love so much, very positive, feelings that everyone gest to enjoy and share in. This is about the time - there is a trigger warning attached to this, if you have suicide issues, you should leave the room now while I'm in the middle of this sentence and then come back in about 3 minutes when I'm done with this story. But I had decided that that was the day, and I was on top of a 30 story building, getting ready to jump, and I was up on the ledge, but I thought I would wait for a train to come, double my chances. And all I could think about was how pissed off my girlfriend was gonna be. And I bore her no ill will or malice, she was like the one thing I had going for me. So the line from the song I remember that didn't make the Sunset Tree is - and before I'd actually named her, so I was glad the Sunset Tree didn't come out - and the following couplet was "she was gonna be mad as hell/when they scraped my brains out of the stairwell". This song takes place about three years later, but it's the same guy. He's better now. [cheering] (2023-07-13 The Vanguard)
- One of the funniest things that happens when someone thinks they're going to get a request across is - it's beautiful, something will catch fire. This person yells one thing, this person yells another, someone yells for This Year in the middle of the show. And then somebody yells for one, and somebody else, you can feel it, goes, oh, yeah! That one! And they say the same thing, and it ping-pongs like that, and it's beautiful, and I wanna respect that beauty by just letting it lie there. And not actually playing the song. ( 2023-10-28 Longhorn Ballroom)
Live Performances
*Variant: "Indian Hill Boulevard" (2023-10-28)
** Variant: "sad metamorphosis" (2009-12-01)