
Whipped like a dog, down on the cards
Square in the spotlight sweating real hard
All soaked in blood like a newborn babe
Sharp thing hidden in my hand shaped like an astrolabe

Gonna stick* you in the eye with a foreign object
Gonna poke** you in the eye with a foreign object

March through the red mist, never get my vision clear
Learn to love this kind of atmosphere
Strike funny*** poses, keep my weapon hand low
Whip my head around a little, get blood on the front row

Gonna jab^ you in the eye with a foreign object
I personally will^^ stab you in the eye with a foreign object
^^^Foreign object, foreign object, foreign object

Sink my teeth into your scalp, take a nice big bite
Save nothing for the cameras, play the angles all night
One of these days my legs will both snap like twigs
If you can't beat 'em make 'em bleed like pigs

I'm gonna jab^ you in the eye with a foreign object
I'm gonna% stab you in the eye with a foreign object

Ba, ba da da, ba ba ba da, foreign object
Ba, ba da da, ba ba ba da, foreign object
Ba, ba da da, ba ba ba da, foreign object


Live Performances


  • * Variant: "stab" instead of "stick" (2023-10-28)
  • ** Variant: "waltz right up and stab" instead of "poke" (2023-10-28)
  • *** Variant: "wicked" instead of "funny"(2023-10-28)
  • ^ Variant: "stab" instead of "jab" (2023-10-28)
  • ^^ Variant: "you can believe I'm gonna" instead of "I personally will" (2023-10-28)
  • ^^^ Variant: preceded by "And all God's people sang" (2023-10-28)
  • % Variant: followed by "stand quick there and" (2023-10-28)